Project to increase sexual assault awareness resources in bathrooms re-visited

ASWSU Senate adviser looking to see if undocumented student workers can get paid under Biden-Harris administration



Anna Rebar, newly elected Election Board committee member, said promoting the ASWSU elections through social media is important to increase student engagement.

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief

ASWSU Senators discussed a project to increase sexual assault awareness resources in campus bathrooms during a meeting Wednesday. 

The project was proposed last year and was never completed, said ASWSU Senator Oluwanifemi “Nife” Shola-Dare.   

“I think it would be really great if we could get the project rolling again,” she said. 

ASWSU Senate Adviser Ashley Morehouse said there is potential for the project to get funded again; the committee just has to go through the approval process. 

“If we’re in person, I would really like to see those resources and all of those bathrooms that we talked about,” said ASWSU Senator Kathryn Carstens. 

Morehouse said she is currently looking into ways to pay undocumented student workers. 

“We are trying to figure out if we are able to pay undocumented students now because of the changes in DACA that have happened with President Biden,” she said. 

ASWSU senators unanimously confirmed Griffin Grubb, senior political science pre-law major, as chief justice for the ASWSU Judicial Board. Grubb said he previously served as an associate justice. 

He said his goal is to reestablish a fully functioning and independent judicial board. 

Senators voted Anna Rebar, junior political science and sociology double major, to join the Election Board committee. This is the second committee position filled, said ASWSU President Curtis Cohen. 

“I think this is going to be a really interesting election,” Cohen said. “I really think [Anna’s] passion makes her a qualified candidate to conduct our elections.”

Encouraging various student clubs to talk to their members about ASWSU elections is a priority, she said. Promoting elections through social media is also important to increase student engagement. 

“The best way people will find out about [the elections] is through posting it,” she said.