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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

"The Cleaner" by Marina Abramovic.

Subversive Intent: Art from Jordan Schnitzer’s permanent collection now on display

SIA CHHEDA, Evergreen reporter March 27, 2024

Subversive art: artistic expression that challenges or undermines established norms, beliefs, ideologies or power structures within society. As part of its “Subversive Intent: Selections from the...

Pullman Lions Club members Girard Clark, Deb Heston, Jon Whitman, Mike Sodorff and Chris Chandler At Neill’s Coffee and Ice Cream, Pullman, Wash.

Pullman Lions Club serves Pullman for over 80 years

SICALY SORRELL, Evergreen reporter December 14, 2023

A pact of familyhood from a club has kept Pullman running for 84 years. Pullman Lions Club originated from the Lions Club International Organization, which Melvin Jones started in 1917 in Chicago. The...

A cow at the Knott Dairy Center southwest of Pullman, Wash.

Knott Dairy Center produces WSU dairy products for over 60 years

JULIAN CABALLERO November 30, 2023

The Knott Dairy Center is the operating dairy research and teaching center that provides milk for Ferdinand’s Ice Cream and Cougar Gold Cheese. The KDC has been in operation for more than six decades...

Kristina Borrman, WSU School of Design and Construction assistant professor.

WSU professor moves to Los Angeles on research grant

ANNA ADAMS, Managing editor November 30, 2023

Kristina Borrman, WSU School of Design and Construction assistant professor, received the Huntington Fellowship, a year-long fellowship from the Huntington Library, to do in-depth research on Black-owned...

Ryan Booth presents a slideshow and goes over the history of Thanksgiving.

WSU historian tells true story of Thanksgiving

JULIAN CABALLERO November 28, 2023

The real history of Thanksgiving is a longer story than what is normally thought about, WSU historian Ryan Booth said at a Thanksgiving Talk the Native American Women’s Association and Ku-Ah-Mah hosted...

Ten of our top stories from the past century.

Top 10: Past Daily Evergreen stories

SIA CHHEDA, Evergreen reporter November 14, 2023

Welcome to our journey through time as we revisit headlines that once dominated the pages of our newspaper. As we delve into the past, we come across the top 10 stories that captivated our readers’...

The Pullman Depot Heritage Center in June, Pullman, Wash.

Fallen Cougars: Grad students share a Cougar veteran’s journey

SIA CHHEDA, Evergreen reporter November 9, 2023

Public history graduate students from WSU’s Department of History are presenting an informative display about a Cougar veteran who gave his life in service of the nation during World War II. The event...

Student organizations including Lambda Theta Alpha, Sigma Lambda Beta, Association of Pacific and Asian Women, Asian Pacific American Student Coalition, Native American Women’s Association and Lambda Phi Epsilon presented at Culture Not Costume.

Culture, not costume

JULIAN CABALLERO October 24, 2023

Culture, not costume. The Native American Women’s Association hosted their fifth annual Culture Not Costume workshop Oct. 18 with Anthony Brave, media studies assistant professor. During this workshop,...

The facilitators of the event from left to right: Josie Cohen-Rodriguez, LGBTQ+ Student Life & Community Coordinator, Drew Gamboa, Hunter Kearns and Lotus Norton-Wisla, WSU Libraries community outreach archivist.

WSU students and faculty queer the archives

GRACIE ROGERS, Evergreen illustration editor October 24, 2023


WSU students participating in Terrell Library's past Queering the Archives event, Oct. 21, 2022.

‘Queeries’ of the Archives

ROBYN FANCHER, Evergreen reporter October 19, 2023

Rummage through WSU archives and find hidden stories about queer people of the past and present at this semester’s Queering the Archives, hosted by the LGBTQ+ Center from 5–6 p.m. today on the ground...

The Pullman Depot Heritage Center in June, Pullman, Wash.

Tractors, grains and trains

ANGEL IKUEZE, Evergreen reporter August 17, 2023

Tractors, grains and trains. This is the theme of the third annual Depot Days event series, which will highlight vintage farm equipment, trains and produce that were essential to the history of the...

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