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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

Do the caring, responsible thing; get tested for STIs

LAURIE JEAN SMITH-NELSON| Clinical associate professor of psychology October 2, 2015

Sex is something most college students think about and talk about. Listening to snippets of conversations as I walk around campus, it is clear that talking about sex isn’t reserved for the academic confines...

One columnist gives his insight into the world of dating gay men.

Getting sex straight: Advice for gay men

Getting gay sex straight is hard, every pun intended. There are lots of things that can go right and wrong between the sheets when two men are involved.So, let me offer some sage and veteran advice on...

Sexual healing; the benefits of sex

Marvin Gaye may have been on to more than just a classic song when he made “Sexual Healing,” as science has proved that there are actually many physical and psychological benefits that come from having...

Incoming students are required to attend bystander intervention training through WSU’s Green Dot program.

Being a Green Dot, bystander intervention is critical to stopping sexual assault

CASIE MOE | Evergreen reporter October 2, 2015

Cougs help Cougs. There are organizations on and off campus at Washington State that further this idea and implement codes of conduct, creating a safer and more secure community.Beginning this year, it...

Defining, investigating sexology research

LARS HANSON | Evergreen reporter October 2, 2015

With a lack of education from kindergarten through high school, and an even greater misunderstanding of how to heal individuals affected, sexology, the study of sex, is a topic perpetually trying to be...

Healthcare options limited for transgender persons on the Palouse

With nearly 20,000 students on campus, WSU holds significant and cherished diversity—each student brings their own ideas, values and lifestyles to Pullman.With so many individuals, it’d be impossible...

Dating violence: Recognizing boundaries

Boundaries, the physical and emotional safety barriers in a relationship, often drop to the floor when it comes to dating in college.“[Dating Violence] is, broadly, just harming an individual who you...

Fetishwiki: Let’s get freaky

Warning: we will go from cheap vanilla to vomit suppression quicker than you can pound your next beer.I urge you to treat this column like an official adult contract. Instead of yelling a safe word at...

The Daily Evergreen guide to contraceptives

ALEX PAYTON | Evergreen reporter October 2, 2015

Depo-Provera (Depo shot)-          99.7 percent effectiveness-          Prescription-          Long-term (One injection lasts 11 – 13 weeks)-          Possible side...

Passion supposedly not approved by Christ

Men, it is not a mistake that you have a penis. Women, it is not a mistake that you have a vagina. The fact that you use them for more than practical purposes is totally normal.I’m sure you already know...

Left: "Did you hear, she had sex." Right: "Did you hear, she hasn't had sex."

Virgins: not just for sacrifice

Historically speaking, an individual classified as a virgin was often revered, as well as ceremoniously killed to appease various otherworldly beings.Virgins in the modern age are fortunately in far less...

America the sexualized

SHANE MICHARD | Evergreen reporter February 6, 2015

Sex has not always played a large role in the media, but that has changed in obvious ways; hugely busty, mostly naked women advertising hamburgers is a relatively new concept.Today, images of scantily-clad...

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