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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

CougsGive raised over half a million dollars this year. Photo courtesy of Spencer Farrin

Cougs Give raises over $600,000

JASMINE LIN, Evergreen reporter April 22, 2024

WSU’s annual Cougs Give fundraising event was held on April 17 and raised $648,507. The purpose of Cougs Give is for the WSU community to come together to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions...

Even though WSU's learning format has changed, we're still a community that needs to support one another.

OPINION: Support your fellow Cougs

ADAM HUREAU August 17, 2020

Fall is almost here, and it will definitely be different than anything we’ve faced before. With the recent move to distance delivery for most classes, many students may be frustrated, anxious or upset....

This pandemic, as terrible as it is, will bring Cougs closer together and build community bonds.

OPINION: Coronavirus will foster greater community at WSU

MACKENNA ROWE August 17, 2020

One of the very first sentences freshmen hear when joining the WSU family is, "Cougs help Cougs." That motto has not changed despite the new circumstances for the fall semester. Although the Cougar community...

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