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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

Pullman Police Officer Doug Anderson holds a box of Narcan, a nasal spray used for people who have overdosed on drugs, Nov. 2nd.

ASWSU: Narcan comes to residence halls, Greek Life

GABRIELLE BOWMAN, Editor-in-chief November 18, 2022

Narcan and drink testing kits are set to be available to students after Thanksgiving break. ASWSU President Jacob Martinez said the university will receive 30 opioid overdose treatments known as Narcan....

Pullman Police Officer Doug Anderson holds a box of Narcan, a nasal spray used for people who have overdosed on drugs, Nov. 2nd.

Is fentanyl increase serious or sensationalized?

JULIA MESSEGEE, Evergreen reporter November 2, 2022

Two fentanyl-related deaths and 11 cases of overdosage have occurred in Pullman this year. The drug has received significant attention from the media and local police departments as Halloween concludes.  The...

Officer Breauna Banks and Sgt. Todd Dow received the American Legion Humanitarian and Lifesaving Award. 

American Legion awards Pullman police officers at City Council meeting Tuesday

MELINA ERNST, Evergreen reporter July 14, 2021

American Legion Maynard-Price Post 52 presented Lifetime Humanitarian Awards and the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award during a city council meeting Tuesday evening.  Pullman Police Officer...

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