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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

Sean Doster, former ASWSU vice president, graduates this semester with degrees in public relations and risk and crisis communication.

Former ASWSU vice president looks forward to communication career

SAM TAYLOR, Evergreen sports co-editor December 9, 2021

WSU senior Sean Doster knew he wanted to study communications and be involved in public policy pretty early on in his life. “I kinda knew I wanted to do communication from the get-go because I’d...

ASWSU senators vote on campus-related issues and decide how to move forward during a meeting in the Compton Union Building.

ASWSU works to fill open senate position

ALEXANDRIA OSBORNE, Editor-in-chief October 21, 2021

Two applicants applied for the open ASWSU Murrow College senator position after Sean Doster resigned several weeks ago.  Doster, senior strategic communications major, said he resigned because he is...

Letter to the Editor: Welcome to the Cougar family

Letter to the Editor: Welcome to the Cougar family

CURTIS COHEN and SEAN DOSTER August 17, 2020

Dear Class of 2024, We couldn’t be happier to welcome you into the Cougar family, even in the middle of challenging times. Coug alumni everywhere will tell you that once you’re a Coug, you will...

New President Curtis Cohen and New Vice President Sean Doster look over the results of the election on Wednesday night at the Phi Kappa Sigma House. The former candidates celebrated with a speech that ended with lots of hugging and clapping for the them.

No stopping for ASWSU

JAKOB THORINGTON, Former Evergreen reporter March 25, 2020

Running the day-to-day tasks of the ASWSU executive staff and transitioning into it can be a daunting task, even more so with a stay-at-home order from Gov. Jay Inslee. “The transition is like drinking...

ASWSU 2020: students chose Cohen & Doster

ASWSU 2020: students chose Cohen & Doster

JAKOB THORINGTON, Former Evergreen reporter March 12, 2020

Curtis Cohen and Sean Doster will be ASWSU President and Vice President for the 2020-2021 school year.  “I just want to thank everybody for all their support,” Cohen said. “[This last month]...

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