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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

Washington voters approve comprehensive sex education in public schools, Inslee's third term

Washington voters approve comprehensive sex education in public schools, Inslee’s third term

SYDNEY BROWN, Evergreen reporter November 5, 2020

Gov. Jay Inslee won his third term as governor, with his opponent Loren Culp saying he will contest the recent state election results. Inslee won with 59 percent of the vote statewide, and 51.9 percent...

Voter registration must be completed in person either in Colfax or the CUB. Residents must wear masks and obey safety measures while registering.

Voter registration must be conducted in person starting today

MICHELLE PAREDES STRONG, Evergreen reporter October 27, 2020

Starting today, Washington state voters can register in-person at Whitman County’s Election Office or The Student Voting Hub in the Compton Union Building. Oct. 26 was the last day to register to...

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