LETTER: Spring breakers turn spring broken

Students facing more work during virtual semester; some will travel despite schedule



College students are really going through that (not) “Summertime sadness” this semester.

MEGHAN HENRY, Evergreen managing editor

WSU has worked long and hard to keep us all healthy and happy for a year now. We’ve seen the cute signs on the president’s lawn and the play-on-words captions posted on the mirrors in the Chinook and Student Recreation Center: “Practice safe six!” 

It’s so cute how the administration can joke about safe sex, but miss the mark on what we actually need to stay healthy.

It is so painful. Kind of like watching your dad try to dance.

But I laughed the first time I saw it. They did at least try, no?

As we have heard about the possible light at the end of the tunnel for quarantine coming in June, we have all let out a heavy breath of relief. Finally. 

But as I submitted my last midterm paper this Sunday, I realized that there was no moment to breathe for any of us when it comes to school.

Instead of a moment to lean back in one’s chair, surveying their hard work and taking a minute to rest, there is only more work.

More deadlines. 

More papers.

More exams.

More time on their blessed Dell, MacBook or family desktop.

More virtual sticking needles in my eyes, I’d say.

Instead of relief, a curse came to mind. And one that would make my very proper, no-trash-talk-at-the-table mom cringe. 

I realized the only time for rest I had to look forward to was one day. That’s all we get.

We cherish spring break for the opportunity to break out our newest bikinis and cutesy overused Instagram captions. 

I suppose this means we all will be nice and pasty white come this summer. 

I petition adults everywhere, from our administration to our parents:

We need a chance to log off of our computers and onto our phones. Mindless scrolling is honestly such a good break from mindlessly staring at a Zoom screen, swear.

Truly, it’s so nice to have the option to sleep in and make no set plans for at least seven days. 

To the surprise of many, it has been proven that all people, no matter what age, cannot work without a bit of a break for long periods of time. Ask any teacher what their favorite day of the week is, and they’ll all tell you with a grim smile, “Saturday.”

We students – and come on, teachers, too – actually don’t work like racehorses. Our minds are not robots, constantly taking in material and information and transmitting it into lasting knowledge.

And our professors and TAs cannot be expected to keep up the same level of positivity and commitment while looking at the same Zoom profile pictures for the ninth week in a row!

Our brain is a muscle, and we’re running ours to death without a break.

The remaining random days off are not generous — they should be the bare minimum provided for students who are working a full time job to get a degree. 

In reality, this “no spring break” thing is not keeping anyone from going on long trips out of state or even out of country.

I can name five people who are living on the beach right now. That idea of control is about as serious as those cute “practice safe six” signs. 

But I get it. The administration has to put the responsible foot forward, showing that they are “doing everything they can” to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

“Doing everything they can.” Tell that to my computer battery and my numbing brain.

I just wish it were not at the detriment of my mental health. 


I’ll see you all in class today!

Happy Spring Break Day-ing.