Ask Emma: I’m scared to graduate

Change your mindset to make big changes easier, establish boundaries, make plans to stay in contact with loved ones



It’s that time of year again folks, commencement is just around the corner. Ask Emma has some useful advice for all you soon-to-be Coug graduates.

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor

Dear Emma,

I’m getting ready to graduate in a few weeks. I’m excited, but I’m also really nervous about what happens next. I have a job lined up, but I don’t know how I’m going to leave all my friends and family and move to a new city. As silly as it sounds, I wish I could stay in college just a little bit longer … just without all the tests and anxiety. 

What do I do?

Coug Grad

Dear Coug Grad,

Thanks for your question! I’m sure a lot of people can relate to what you’re going through right now. You are not alone. 

I know this time can be really difficult, but changing your frame of mind can be really helpful. It sounds like you’re going to move no matter what because you don’t really have the option to stay in college longer (not without tests, at least). Changing your perspective will make this transition easier, but it will still be difficult. 

Having a job lined up is a great first step! It can be really nerve-wracking to move when aspects of your future are unsure, so that is one less thing for you to worry about. If you know where you’re living, that’s another thing you don’t have to worry about. Try to focus on the positive. 

It can be really scary to uproot your life and move to a new place. Think about it this way, unless you’re a Pullman native, you’ve already done that once and had great success! You like it here so much that you don’t want to leave. Think about how great moving to a new city could be. 

Another way you could make this experience more positive is by thinking of it as a fresh start. Do you have goals you want to accomplish that you didn’t have time for in college? Problems you’ve been avoiding that you want to address? Do you want to reinvent yourself? Now is the time to do so! 

You should also make a plan to stay in contact with your friends and family. It sounds like that’s a big part of your hesitation. Establish clear boundaries and make sure you are keeping your loved ones updated on your life.

Ultimately, this is a scary time, but it’s also a great time for opportunity. You never know what will happen at your new job! Take what you’ve learned in Pullman and all the relationships you’ve formed, and leverage those to make a difference in a new city. 

Think positive! You got this.
