Music On Main has Started up Again

Bands like Cherry Sisters, Soulstice and Paradox set to perform

Courtesy of Marie Dymkoski

People sitting in downtown Pullman enjoying the music at Music on Main

GABRIELLE BOWMAN, Editor-in-chief

Pullman’s Music on Main has begun again this summer starting in June and will go through September.

Acts are scheduled every Thursday from 6 — 8 p.m. in September the time will be moved up a half hour from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. to accommodate light fading.

Music on Main is put on by Pullman’s Chamber of Commerce and started in June of 2018, said Marie Dymkoski, Chamber of Commerce executive director .

Music on Main started when the Chamber began working  with the Downtown Pullman Association in order to bring attention to businesses in downtown Pullman, Dymkoski said.

“[The Chamber] encourages community and visitors to visit businesses and enjoy free family music,” Dymkoski said.

A Music on Main performer, Jill Freuden has been performing in the Pullman area years before the event was formed.

“The bands I play in performed in the very first downtown concert that Tawny Higgins I think at Rico’s set up and then it evolved into Music on Main,” Freuden said.

Freuden said she has been involved with Music on Main ever since the Chamber officially created the event.

When it came to the Chamber looking for artists to perform at Music on Main, the Chamber looked to the Pullman area, Dymkoski said.

“Over the 15 years that I have been at the Chamber, I’ve worked with many of them for other events, so it’s easy to start booking in late winter to fill up the 18 weeks for the summer event,” she said.

Music on Main does not focus on a singular music genre, however, most acts include folk, pop and cover music. The main factor though is that the music must be family-friendly Dymkoski said.

“Dan Maher always brings a good crowd and bands like Paradox and Cherry Sisters will always have a rousing performance,” she said.

Dymkoski said specifically she does not have a favorite artist but artists that get people out of their chairs to dance are always her favorite.

“Local bands Soulstice and Jon & Rand Band get listeners up off their chairs to dance,” she said.

Some new artists coming to Music on Main include Eric E and the band Solid Ghost, she said.

Freuden is in a duo group with Ray Wallace, the band Paradox and the band Solstice. However, when she sings solo her specific genre falls under singer-songwriter and coffee house style.

One of the main aspects of Music on Main is that it gets people in downtown Pullman in the summertime and helps them gravitate toward the shops, Freuden said.

If concert gowers get their early enough they tend to go to Thomas Hammer and get a coffee or to Mela Bangladeshi restaurant, which helps draw attention to the downtown area, Freuden said.

Jon & Rand Band is the next act to perform for Music on Main Thursday, June 29 at 6 p.m. at Pine Street Plaza, Pullman. 

According to a post on the Music on Main Facebook, people should bring a chair, pick up a meal from a local restaurant and enjoy some family-friendly music. 

“We have a lot of amazing talent in Pullman to Moscow and a lot of those folks maybe don’t want to go play in a bar and so it gives them an opportunity to a lot of those folks,” Freuden said.