Regents to vote on tuition, other increases

Facility design, presidential review will be on the table

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter

During the first official 2018 meeting of the Board of Regents, WSU’s highest governing body, the board will vote on whether to approve a 2-percent increase in resident undergraduate tuition and a 2.4-percent increases for room and board in residence halls. If approved, tuition would increase $190 and room and board would increase $162.

The Regents voted in July 2017 to approve a 2.2 percent tuition increase.

Other action items at the meeting, on Friday morning at the Tri-Cities campus, include requiring the regents to evaluate the university president’s performance on an annual basis, a “right-of-way” bike passage for WSU Spokane and updated information on WSU housing and dining rates.

The board will also vote on designs for research facilities that must relocate due to the Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport’s runway expansion project.

Prior to the board meeting, six regent committees met Thursday to discuss the items on their agenda.

The meeting will take place at 8 a.m. Friday in the Consolidated Information Center at WSU Tri-Cities.

The board will hold its next meeting May 3-4 at the WSU Spokane campus.