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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

All content by LINH NGUYEN
Kendra Sewall, assistant professor of biological sciences at Virginia Tech, discusses her methods of studying behavior and brain function in songbirds.

Bird songs could parallel human speech

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
April 27, 2018
Mona Ghandi, WSU assistant architecture professor, discusses how the parklet project evolved in phases.

Architecture students to build parklet

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
April 18, 2018
ISC President Ximeng Li presents her goals for next school year. These include ensuring everyone 
in the organization feels welcome and makes time for the club.

ISC runs first independent elections

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
April 12, 2018

Former WSU football player sues Leach

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
March 8, 2018

The best place to study on campus

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
March 5, 2018

WSU Vancouver will endure spending cuts

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
February 27, 2018

WSU Everett to consolidate resources

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
February 8, 2018

Strong winds could continue throughout week

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
February 6, 2018
Sheng-Chieh "Jay" Kuo shows where Taiwan, his home, is in comparison to other students in the INTO program. This is his first year in the United States.

WSU wants more international students

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
February 5, 2018

Murrow announces dean finalists

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
February 2, 2018
 Yaye Sibide and Kadir Nour vote for ASWSU senators while Bradely Warren helps them with the voting process Friday in the CUB.

ASWSU special election winners react

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
January 29, 2018

ASWSU is holding special elections

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
January 25, 2018
Honor delegate Hayden Arend, left, was of the opinion that outreach events should extend to all senate members, regardless of year.

New freshman requirements approved by ASWSU

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
November 15, 2017
Jeff Guillory says he wants students to understand cultural competency is not only important for ethical reasons, but is vital for professional careers.

Cultural competency teaches professionalism

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
November 7, 2017
Senator Gavin Pielow proposes a bill that would raise the GPA requirement for Senators from 2.3 to 2.5. The bill failed with 9 votes against it and 8 votes for it.

ASWSU votes down GPA bill

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
November 1, 2017
Entomologist Richard Zack explains that the concentration of aphids on campus will thin out by the end of the week.

Aphids to thin out by end of week

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
October 31, 2017

Councils issue wristbands for Greek events

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
October 26, 2017
Doctoral candidate Lucy Johnson presents on social media surveillance and privacy Tuesday.

Students learn digital literacy in workshop

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
October 11, 2017

Disability research gets grant

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
September 29, 2017
Wildcat Taxi is one of several small transportation services operating locally.

Local taxi drivers size up Uber

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
September 28, 2017
Huygens, attached to Cassini, launched in 1997 and did not reach Saturn until 2004. The probe was meant 
to gather data for only a few hours in the atmosphere and on the surface of Saturn.

WSU alumnus reflects on Cassini-Huygens

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
September 27, 2017
Maynard Siev is one of the senior engineering students in charge of the redesign project for State Route 26.

Students plan Highway 26 roadwork

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
September 18, 2017
New facilities include both bathrooms and locker rooms.

Gender-inclusive facilities open on campus

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
September 15, 2017
Cadet Kyanna Byrd, Ryan St. John and Lexi Fredrickson prepare for the September 11 vigil on the steps of Todd Hall Monday morning.

Students and veterans remember 9/11

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
September 12, 2017
Washington's Enchantments this Labor Day weekend as wildfires burned nearby.

Extreme fire years cause poor air quality

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
September 8, 2017
WSU student Michael Sinclair expressing his concerns with the zone split of parking lot one located behind Orton Hall, 8.31.17

Parking issues discussed at forum

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
September 1, 2017
Craig Howard, WSU director of administrative services information systems, shows how a phone can be used instead of a Cougarcard.

WSU introduces biometric scanners

LINH NGUYEN, Evergreen reporter
August 28, 2017
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