Letter to the editor: Healthy relationships column

NIKKI FINNESTEAD | Health & Wellness

I was glad to see the Evergreen’s recent column on providing opportunities for students to learn more about healthy relationships. This critical topic affects everyone in our campus community.

Knowing what a healthy relationship looks like can help students form more fulfilling relationships in their own lives, as well as recognize potentially unhealthy or abusive behaviors in friends’ relationships.

Students who want to learn more may be interested in workshops and events offered by Health & Wellness Services (HWS), other WSU departments and community organizations, like Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse. Our workshops build on the foundational information provided in mandatory Green Dot and Booze, Sex & Reality Checks workshops, covering topics like healthy relationships, communicating about consent, and in-depth bystander intervention training.

Students can visit HWS’s website or check the Coug Health page on CougSync for a calendar of workshops. If you do not see an upcoming workshop you are interested in, make sure to check back in the fall for a full slate of programs.

If you would like to learn more about healthy relationships and violence prevention, you can also check out the news and resources section on the HWS website or follow Coug Health on Facebook.