The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

GPSA sets example for budgeting in community’s interest

GPSA sets example for budgeting in community’s interest

LUKE HUDSON, Evergreen reporter February 28, 2018

In a move to support university parents, the Graduate and Professional Students Association approved a budget increase of $15,000 for the evening portion of WSU’s childcare program on Monday. The...

WSU womens basketball players warm up right before a game against California Thursday at the Beasley Coliseum. Most of seats available for attendees are empty.

Athletics should take part in community outreach, engagement

HANAH GOETZ, Evergreen columnist/opinion editor February 28, 2018

Last semester, I circled campus three or four times before giving up and going home. I had an important meeting, and I needed to find parking, but the buses were getting rerouted, and people from out...

From left, redshirt freshman guard Milan Acquuah, freshman guard TJ Mickelson, redshirt freshman guard Jamar Ergas and junior forward Davante Cooper celebrate from the bench during the game against Utah on Feb. 17 at Beasley Coliseum.

Bench steps up as season comes to a close

JACKSON GARDNER, Evergreen reporter February 27, 2018

If you caught WSU men’s basketball’s last four games, you might have noticed something different. The Cougars have developed a new contribution that fans have yet to see this season: the bench. In...

DACA recipient Brenda Rodriguez leads a rally to show support of the Clean DREAM Act. DACA recipients must constantly fight back against numerous rumors and stereotypes regarding their status.

DREAMers help community evolve

HANAH GOETZ, Evergreen columnist/opinion editor February 27, 2018

Maximiliano Madrigal is a student of science. Though only a freshman at WSU, Madrigal is working with the goal of a doctorate in his future. But his dream is restricted. You see, Madrigal is a Deferred...

Celeste Estrada recounts to gathered students how she was unable to attend her father’s funeral due to her undocumented status.

Take to the streets for Clean DREAM Act

HANAH GOETZ, Evergreen columnist/opinion editor February 22, 2018

Celeste Estrada’s parents brought her to the U.S. when she was a child to help support the family. They had a business that wasn’t making enough for them to thrive, and the U.S. was the best way to...

The goal of the proposed path extensions is to make the beauty of the Palouse more accessible for residents and visitors.

Palouse community deserves connecting trail

Alaina Beaulaurier, Evergreen columnist February 21, 2018

The Palouse may see a 50-mile route created after decommissioned railroads are converted and connected to existing paths. This would span from Colfax to Juliaetta, Idaho, if a project by the Pullman Civic...

Bryan Hall is one of many buildings that, because of a maintenance deficit, would be cheaper to replace than to perform repairs.

State must budget for better maintenance

LUKE HUDSON, Evergreen reporter February 20, 2018

With funds being low at WSU, it is important for administration to carefully consider their budget priorities and make decisions that will result in the best outcome for students and staff alike. However,...

You can have your voice heard in The Daily Evergreen

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor February 15, 2018

If you want to read a different perspective in The Daily Evergreen, apply. We’ll hire you. The Daily Evergreen has received a lot of criticism over the past few years. Honestly, though, that’s the...

Outdated expectations of body types have caused feelings of shame to men and women. 
All that matters is that you’re happy with how you look and feel.

The Palouse needs body diversity in fashion

Alaina Beaulaurier, Evergreen columnist February 15, 2018

Clutching a plastic bag filled with my clothes, I walked through the rows of small, medium and large blouses. I slid the bag across the counter, and 20 minutes later they slid it right back toward me. “Sorry,...

Gyms across the country have opened the floodgates to women-empowerment by providing women-only classes and a staff of men and women.

Satire: Women want you to hit on them at the gym

HANAH GOETZ, Evergreen columnist/opinion editor February 14, 2018

It is the nature of a woman to regret every bit of food she eats. It is the law of society. So, when our monthly friend comes around and encourages us to eat all the Costco chocolate cake, naturally...

Capital Budget Director, Deborah Carlson, explains the two-year state capital budget cycle Thursday in the French Administration Building. This budget is responsible for appropriating funds from the state for construction projects and renovations on campus.

Lawmakers should be held accountable for new budget

LUKE HUDSON, Evergreen reporter February 13, 2018

In late January, the state Legislature approved the capital budget for Washington, granting money to a variety of organizations to design and build new facilities. Among the approved grants, $114 million...

Whitman county should vote in favor of library levy restoration

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor February 13, 2018

If you haven’t voted for the Whitman County Library levy yet, you should. Today is the last day to vote to restore the levy, which is currently 46 cents, to 50 cents. The libraries offer too much to...

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