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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen


ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor

Adaline Grace is the social media and engagement editor for summer and fall 2021. She started working for the Evergreen as a news reporter in winter 2020. She will be graduating with a degree in creative writing and publishing, with hopes to write about mental health awareness in the future. 


All content by ADALINE GRACE
 “Open heart, mind and sole” is the main theme of the event and everyone is welcome to attend. Last year’s event was canceled due to COVID-19.

Second annual mental health 5K to be held virtually

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
April 8, 2021
Practicing the Pause is a program that teaches individuals to “cope, calm and care” when overcome by an emotional response.

‘Living well is the best way to live’

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
March 30, 2021
“When it's in the middle of the week, we still have so much homework to do,” said Lesley Arceo, first-year nutrition and exercise physiology major. “So we're just going to be using it for work anyway.”

Mental health days not same as spring break

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
March 18, 2021
Sleep disturbances can impact memory and decision making because the part of the brain responsible for processing memory is uniquely susceptible to damage.

Mental health series discusses sleep deprivation

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
March 12, 2021
The western entrance of Malden, Washington, alongside Broadway Avenue scarred by remains of scorched trees, powerlines and wheatgrass on Nov. 7.

‘Our town is in a live-or-die situation’

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
March 11, 2021
“In a way, Dr. Universe is a lot of people here at WSU — our friends at Northwest Public Broadcasting, creative university communicators and the research staff who offer their time to help answer these great questions,” said Rachel Webber, voice of Dr. Universe.

WSU science podcast collaborates with local theater

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
February 24, 2021
Those with a secure attachment style often have low anxiety and are less likely to avoid their partners during conflict, said Elizabeth McSpadden, research assistant for Cougar Health Services.

Mental health series discusses attachment styles

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
February 19, 2021
Students will receive comprehensive sexual health education at least twice during both their middle school and high school careers.

School board discusses sexual health education, student pods

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
February 12, 2021
Chuck Cody started graduate school at WSU in 1980. He received his teaching assistant certificate in 1983 teaching horticulture classes. 

Greenhouse manager retiring after 41 years at WSU

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
February 4, 2021
“Mental health is important, but there's not really a way around this right now,” said first-year microbiology major Sydney Cadwell.

‘This too shall pass’

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
February 4, 2021
K-3 students are back in the classroom using a hybrid model, which includes in-person and distance learning.

School district adjusts reopening plan

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
January 30, 2021
Stephanie Bray, principal of Franklin Elementary School, said students' desks are placed 6 feet apart. Students are required to wear masks at all times.

Second, third graders return to hybrid learning

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
January 21, 2021
Pullman K-1 students return to school via hybrid model

Pullman K-1 students return to school via hybrid model

ADALINE GRACE, Evergreen social media editor
January 15, 2021
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