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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

Bryan Clock Tower, Aug 13. in Pullman, Wash.

Ask Life: Advice for freshman students?

JULIA MESSEGEE, Evergreen reporter August 15, 2024

Dear Life Section, Freshman year seems intimidating. How can I get involved and make friends on campus? Thanks, Spooked Freshie   Dear Spooked Freshie, As a junior, I hope I can...

It's that time of year again folks, commencement is just around the corner. Ask Emma has some useful advice for all you soon-to-be Coug graduates.

Ask Emma: I’m scared to graduate

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor April 21, 2022

Dear Emma, I’m getting ready to graduate in a few weeks. I’m excited, but I’m also really nervous about what happens next. I have a job lined up, but I don’t know how I’m going to leave all...

We have a real Ask Emma extravaganza this week for the 50th edition of everyone's favorite advice column.

Ask Emma: 50 questions for the 50th edition

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor March 3, 2022

It’s my 50th Ask Emma, which felt like a big, round number worthy of a special edition. This week, I solicited 50 questions from readers, and I will be answering them rapid-fire in no particular order.  Ready,...

Catching up from school after a COVID-19-induced absence can be stressful, but Ask Emma has some helpful tips that will help you get back on track.

Ask Emma: How do I catch up after my COVID-19-related absences?

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor February 2, 2022

Dear Emma, Last week I tested positive for COVID-19. I missed all five days of class (and, of course, it was our first full week of school). None of my teachers are offering a Zoom or hybrid option,...

Long-distance relationships can be tough, but with the proper tools, they can be just as fufilling as any other relationship.

Ask Emma: I miss my long-distance bae

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor January 27, 2022

Dear Emma,  I am in a long-distance relationship. I got to spend three weeks with my significant other over winter break, which was really great. They are attending a university on the west side...

There are multiple ways to meet new people in Pullman, whether it be through virtual or in-person means.

Ask Emma: How do I meet people in Pullman?

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor January 19, 2022

Dear Emma, I am feeling really lonely this semester. I would love to meet more people in Pullman/at WSU, but I’m not sure how. I only know a few people in my classes and extracurriculars. How do...

Saying goodbye can be hard, but Ask Emma is here to help.

Ask Emma: I’m not ready to leave Pullman

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor December 9, 2021

Dear Emma, I am graduating this semester. I’ve had an awesome four years at WSU (minus the pandemic parts). While I’m really excited to be done with school, I just can’t imagine leaving all the...

Sometimes the mountains keep calling your name, despite any responsibilities you may have.

Ask Emma: I want to run away before finals

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor December 2, 2021

Dear Emma, Sometimes I feel the inexplicable urge to run into the woods and never come back. Is that normal? Nothing is going horribly wrong in my life right now, but there is something alluring about...

Are politics seeping into your living situation? Ask Emma has some advice on how to navigate that tricky situation.

Ask Emma: How do I handle political conversations with my roommates?

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor November 19, 2021

Dear Emma, I have several roommates. We get along pretty well — except when it comes to political conversations. I don’t want to get into our different ideologies, but we very much differ when it...

Having trouble finishing the last stretch before Thanksgiving Break? Ask Emma has some advice for you. Stay strong, Cougs.

Ask Emma: I’m struggling to make it to Thanksgiving break

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor November 12, 2021

Dear Emma, We are so close to Thanksgiving break, but I'm really struggling to make it through these last couple weeks. I'm feeling so exhausted and anxious. Everything — school, work, being with...

There are steps you can take to support your loved one struggling with mental illness.

Ask Emma: How do I help my loved one struggling with depression?

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor September 23, 2021

Dear Emma, My significant other has depression. It was under control for a while, but it seems extra bad lately. I want to help them, but I have no idea what to do. I have never experienced what they...

Many students are feeling exhausted now that school is back in person. This week, Ask Emma has some useful tips to get back to feeling energized.

Ask Emma: Coming back to school has made me exhausted

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor September 9, 2021

Dear Emma, I am exhausted. I forgot how much effort it takes to go to school and interact with people all day, not to mention all the hills I have to walk up every time I go to class. I’m used to...

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