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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The Chinook fee increase will be the only referendum on the ballot. Courtesy of Isaac Velazquez.

ASWSU elections to be held this week

GRACE HARVEY, Evergreen reporter March 5, 2024

ASWSU’s annual student body election will be held March 5 and 6. The ballot will have elections for open ASWSU Senate positions, the President and Vice President positions and a referendum to raise...

The Chinook has not raised fees since 2017 and proposes to raise the fee from $98 to $103

Chinook fee increase to be on student election ballot

GRACE HARVEY, Evergreen reporter February 21, 2024

WSU’s University Recreation Advisory Board and ASWSU Senate are in the process of getting a mandatory 5% Chinook fee increase for undergraduate students onto the ballot for the upcoming student body...

Communication department director Cooper Howe and deputy director Nicole Allison reviewing social media activity for the past month

Referendum for increased student Chinook fee passes ASWSU senate

MUSFIRAH KHAN, Evergreen reporter February 8, 2024

ASWSU approved a referendum to increase the student Chinook fee at Wednesday’s meeting as a result of efforts to combat reduced student enrollment in recent years. Referendum 53-01, penned by senator...

The Chinook has not raised fees since 2017 and proposes to raise the fee from $98 to $103

ASWSU Vice President acknowledges mishandling Chinook fee increase approval process

SICALY SORRELL, Evergreen reporter December 8, 2023

ASWSU Vice President Maccabee Werndorf said the Senate did not follow the proper process when they approved a 5% mandatory fee increase for the Chinook during their previous meeting. The UREC advisory...

Grant Rickard, UREC advisory board chair, at Nov. 1's ASWSU meeting first discussing the fee increase

ASWSU Senate supports Chinook mandatory fee increase

MUSFIRAH KHAN, Evergreen reporter November 17, 2023

The ASWSU Senators unanimously supported a 5% Chinook mandatory fee increase this week after being visited by representatives from the UREC advisory board once again. The UREC board’s chair, Grant...

The station is located past the front desk on the main floor.

Light therapy station will ‘brighten’ your day

JUSTIN WASHINGTON, Evergreen research editor April 7, 2022

There is a light therapy station located on the main floor of the Chinook Student Center. Next to some of the chairs is a giant lamp to facilitate the therapeutic process. The light therapy station...

Students returning to Pullman will have the opportunity to participate in All-Access Week at the Student Recreation Center and the first event in the Uncomfortable Conversations series.

UREC, MLK Committee offer events for students

ALEXANDRIA OSBORNE, Editor-in-chief January 10, 2022

As students return to campus for the spring semester, WSU organizations are holding events to welcome students back. Joanne Greene, University Recreation programming director, said the Chinook and Student...

The Student Recreation Center has four indoor basketball courts to play inside and a couple outside.

Students should attend UREC, Chinook All Access Week

SYDNEY DOWNING, Evergreen columnist August 19, 2021

Week of Welcome offers a bunch of opportunities for WSU students. But my personal favorite, All Access Week, is a whole week at the Student Recreation Center and Chinook Student Center where students...

Charging fees for services when students aren't even on campus is unfair to Cougs.

OPINION: WSU is overcharging us

SARAH DANIELS September 2, 2020

Earlier this semester, WSU sent students several emails regarding their decisions on keeping, reducing, or getting rid of various school fees this semester. From what I can tell, they kept them all, without...

There's no shortage of things for Cougs to do to stay active and occupied.

OPINION: Stay busy and stay active

JOEY FRANKLIN September 1, 2020

The pandemic has put the whole world on lockdown, and states across America have issued stay-at-home mandates. Since the shutdown in March, people have struggled to find activities to entertain themselves...

The Student Recreation Center opened last week with safety measures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Chinook will reopen Aug. 15.

Student facilities director outlines safety measures for reopening

BRADLEY GAMBLE, Evergreen reporter July 24, 2020

The Student Recreation Center implemented safety guidelines to protect students and staff upon its reopening. Everyone must wear a mask or cloth face covering to enter all indoor and outdoor facilities...

WSU's Student Recreation Center on August 2019. University Recreation facilities are planning to open at 50 percent capacity as Whitman County enters Phase 3.

University Recreation plans for Phase 3 reopening

CHERYL AARNIO, Evergreen reporter June 12, 2020

Recreational facilities can operate at 50 percent capacity in Phase 3. However, Gov. Jay Inslee has not provided specific requirements for how fitness centers can open safely. WSU's University Recreation...

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