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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

CougsGive raised over half a million dollars this year. Photo courtesy of Spencer Farrin

Cougs Give raises over $600,000

JASMINE LIN, Evergreen reporter April 22, 2024

WSU’s annual Cougs Give fundraising event was held on April 17 and raised $648,507. The purpose of Cougs Give is for the WSU community to come together to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions...

Each WSU campus had an on-campus event Wednesday.

Annual Cougs Give event brings in almost $800,000

ALEXANDRIA OSBORNE, Editor-in-chief April 15, 2022

The WSU Foundation hosted its annual Cougs Give event Wednesday and raised $791,211 from 1,315 gifts. Last year, the event brought in just over $700,000, according to a Daily Evergreen article.  This...

On the WSU Pullman campus, Cougs Give will have a photo booth from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on April 13 on Glenn Terrell Mall.

WSU Foundation hosting 7th annual Cougs Giving Day next week

ALEXANDRIA OSBORNE, Editor-in-chief April 7, 2022

WSU Foundation is hosting its annual Cougs Giving Day on April 13, allowing alumni, friends and others to donate in support of WSU programs.  Cougs Give is a one-day fundraising event and is about...

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