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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

Throughout her time at WSU, Jill Creighton, associate vice president of Student Affairs and dean of students/deputy Title IX coordinator, met with ASWSU, hosted a podcast for NASPA and finished her doctorate degree.

Dean of Students will leave WSU, embark on new adventure in China

JOSIE GOODRICH, Reporter/Copy Editor June 30, 2022

From the wheat fields of Pullman to the classical gardens of Suzhou, China, Jill Creighton is taking her passions worldwide, closing the chapter on her time at WSU starting July 1. In Feb. 2019, Creighton...

On campus, students under the age of 21 may be reported for being in the same room with drugs, even if they did not consume the substance.

Campus cannabis policies ensure federal funding, financial aid

FRANKIE BEER, Evergreen news editor April 14, 2022

In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, WSU prohibits the use, possession, manufacture or distribution of cannabis on campus to maintain federal funding for scholarships and research.  Jill...

Senators elected Reanne Chilton as GPSA president during a meeting Monday night.

GPSA elects new president

ALEX MCCOLLUM, Multimedia editor September 28, 2021

WSU’s Graduate and Professional Student Association voted to make Reanne Chilton, vice president and chair of legislative affairs, the new GPSA president during a meeting Monday night. Chilton is...

Jill Creighton, WSU dean of students and associate vice president for student affairs, will host the event.

WSU community standards panel to stream live

SYDNEY BROWN, Evergreen reporter September 23, 2020

WSU faculty and staff are invited to learn about COVID-19 compliance, academic misconduct and Zoom bombing during the community standards virtual panel 4 p.m. Wednesday.  Jill Creighton, WSU dean of...

It's tempting to cast blame on one group, but students and admin are both equally responsible for the COVID-19 problems in Pullman.

OPINION: Students, admin are both to blame for COVID spike

MEGHAN HENRY, Evergreen managing editor September 17, 2020

As COVID-19 cases rise dramatically in the Pullman, people are beginning to point fingers, and many are choosing sides. In most people’s minds, it’s either the students or the administration who should...

Jill Creighton, dean of students and associate vice president of student affairs, said all individuals on WSU-owned property are expected to complete the COVID-19 attestation form.

WSU launches new attestation system

HUNTER ORCUTT, Evergreen reporter August 24, 2020

WSU launched a new website to help route students, faculty and guests to a new form needed to gain entrance to all university buildings and facilities.  All individuals visiting or staying on WSU-owned...

WSU needs to offer more assistance and help to students who were kicked off campus because of COVID-19.

OPINION: WSU needs to provide more housing assistance to students

SARAH DANIELS July 22, 2020

Like it or not, WSU has decided to offer as many in-person courses as possible. WSU administration consistently, and I believe truthfully, claims that students’ lives are a priority. However, there are...

The pandemic has forced many college students to reconsider their options, like whether or not to take a gap year.

OPINION: Freshmen have to make a choice this semester

ADAM HUREAU July 22, 2020

There is no question that this fall is going to look different. Classes, football games and even parties will all have changed. This might leave freshman uncertain as to whether or not they should come...

Interim Provost Bryan Slinker speaks at a town hall regarding coronavirus on Tuesday afternoon in the Food Science and Human Nutrition building. He says officials are still deciding whether to hold online classes.


EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor March 11, 2020

WSU administrators held a town hall meeting to address the possibility of transitioning to online classes and ways to address race-based harassment stemming from COVID-19 on Tuesday. Bonnie de Vries,...

OPINION: Emergency loan shouldn’t be repaid

OPINION: Emergency loan shouldn’t be repaid

GUS WATERS, Evergreen columnist March 11, 2020

The emergency short-term loan program at WSU is a way to start to help financially insecure students stay in school. It needs to be better funded so that it can expand into a financial relief package...

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