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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The UREC in January 2020.

Possible fire at Student Recreation Center

Grace Harvey, Evergreen Reporter February 21, 2024

On Monday evening, a part of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioningsystem at the WSU UREC went out, resulting in an evacuation of the whole facility due to a burning smell and smoke filling the...

Pipes freezing is one of the biggest reasons for the increase in maintenance calls.

Pullman Fire Department sees 30% increase in calls

AIMEE SULIT, Evergreen reporter February 10, 2024

The Pullman Fire Department saw a 30% increase in calls in January, in part due to the extremely cold weather. Fire Chief Mike Heston said an uptick in calls is to be expected during the winter months...

Deputy fire marshal Adam Hoffman's duties will include fire inspections for businesses within the city's jurisdiction

Pullman Fire Department hires new deputy fire marshal

SHERIDAN ROBBINS, Evergreen reporter February 9, 2024

The Pullman City Fire Department welcomed its new deputy fire marshal after hiring him on Jan. 29 Deputy fire marshal Adam Hoffman was previously employed by the City of Pullman as a building inspector....

Wildfire season is approaching, with 799 total fires in the state of Washington so far

Washington’s abnormally hot summers continue

JOSIAH PIKE, Copy editor July 17, 2023

Climate for the state of Washington this summer will continue the trend started in 1991 of being hotter than average. Matthew Dehr, Washington Department of Natural Resources meteorologist, said...

The Pullman Fire Departmnet responding to a call

At least seven fire reports recorded July 4 week

GRACE HARVEY, Evergreen reporter July 13, 2023

While Pullman residents were busy setting off fireworks this holiday season, July 1–4 proved equally busy for the Pullman Fire Department with firefighters responding to more than seven fires around...

Pullman apartment fire causes temporary evacuations

SHANA HUANG March 8, 2023

The City of Pullman Fire Department and Pullman Police Department responded to a fire around 2:30 p.m. Sunday on the second floor of Kenwood Square Apartments, according to a City of Pullman press release. Firefighters...

Lincoln County District Four Fire Chief Jim Adams drives a fire truck around downtown, Oct. 15, in Reardan, Wash.

Small-town fire station blazes forward

ALEXANDRIA OSBORNE, Editor-in-chief October 27, 2022

Note: This piece was written and shot for the Murrow Rural Reporting Plunge. For more info, please see  In the small town of Reardan, WA, community members gather for the Lincoln...

The land firefighters used for practice is city-owned and built in the 1940s or 50s.

Pullman Fire Department blazes through live fire training


Opportunities for the Pullman Fire Department to practice on structures in Pullman are rare, coming about once every five years, said Fire Chief Mike Heston said. From 1-6:30 p.m. Monday afternoon...

WSU student dies from self-inflicted gunshot wound Friday morning

WSU student dies from self-inflicted gunshot wound Friday morning

FRANKIE BEER, Evergreen news editor May 6, 2022

Deandre Hunter, 25, was pronounced dead on Friday after sustaining a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his abdomen in the parking lot of Pimlico Apartments.  Pullman police officers responded to the...

The motion approved the acceptance of a $15,000 grant for a Firefighter Injury and Illness Reduction program.

City Council approves grant for firefighter safety

ALEX MCCOLLUM, Multimedia editor April 15, 2022

Pullman City Council approved a motion Tuesday night that will help reduce Pullman firefighters’ exposure to harmful carcinogens. The motion approved the acceptance of a $15,000 grant for a Firefighter...

The American Legion presents an award to five police officers for their heroism during September's College Hill shooting at the Pullman City Coucil meeting on March 29.

Law enforcement, firefighters receive American Legion awards

MOLLY WILK, Evergreen reporter March 30, 2022

Jerry Coker and Ted Weatherly, Pullman Police Department commander and adjutant, presented American Legion Awards honoring first responders at the Pullman City Council meeting Tuesday night. Whitcom...

Pullman Fire marshal announces retirement

Pullman Fire marshal announces retirement

PUNEET BSANTI, Deputy news editor February 4, 2022

Pullman Fire Marshal Chris Wehrung announced his retirement on Thursday after working at the Pullman Fire Department for 22 years. Wehrung will retire at the end of May, according to a press release from...

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