Transportation Services shares complaints, pilot program with ASWSU senators

New UCORE class will teach students about diversity, equity, inclusion



ASWSU senators heard from Transportation Services and several ASWSU directors on Wednesday.

MOLLY WILK, Evergreen reporter

WSU Transportation Services shared complaints about bus routes and a new pilot program during an ASWSU Senate meeting Wednesday night. 

Transportation Services received complaints about the limited drop-off and pick-up locations coming from “apartmentland,” said Chris Boyan, interim director of Transportation Services.

The apartmentland bus route is part of a pilot program that started this year. It allows buses to pick up passengers from off-campus stops more frequently and leave fewer students behind, he said. 

The department has several committees, including the Transit Advisory Group, that work with the university to help solve transportation-related issues, Boyan said.

Ella Kisor, ASWSU director of academic affairs, spoke to the senate about previously discussed new UCORE classes meant to teach students about diversity, equity and inclusion. 

The academic affairs committee will be voting on the implementation of the classes at its next meeting, Kisor said. 

The university has discussed reducing the UCORE credits needed for other requirements in order to make room for the diversity, equity and inclusion courses. 

ASWSU Safety Director Nuthaphol “Cody” Ongpituk said he recently walked around campus at night and noted several areas, including B Street, that need more light or new crosswalks. 

The Pullman area lost approximately 75 employees who help to clear roads and keep driving conditions safe because of COVID-19 employment restrictions, he said. 

Ongpituk said he is working to find ways to keep roads safe and travelable with the approaching holiday breaks. 

Jenna Fitzgerald, ASWSU director of inclusion, diversity and veteran affairs, spoke to the senate about upcoming events. 

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan is hosting a conference for high school students seeking higher education called Children of Aztlan Sharing Higher Education. CASHE is set for Nov. 12-14, she said. 

Fitzgerald said she is focusing on preparing the annual multicultural student banquet and is looking into fundraising.