ASWSU senators vote in favor of increased sexual assault resources

More resources for sexual assault survivors to be posted around campus



ASWSU Vice President Alexander Pan leads the conversation during an ASWSU meeting on Dec. 1, 2021.

MOLLY WILK, Evergreen reporter

ASWSU senators passed two sexual assault-related resolutions at a meeting Wednesday night. 

The first resolution passed calls for an increase in the number of resources posted regarding sexual assault such as sexual assault forensic exams. All-Campus Senator Nikolai Sublett, who was absent Wednesday, authored the resolution. 

Senators passed another of Sublett’s resolutions, which calls for Cougar Safe Rides to offer services to individuals going to the hospital for sexual assault forensic exams. 

Individuals currently seeking transportation to the hospital for this reason can contact the Pullman Police Department or Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse, said All-Campus Senator Daniela Carvajal-Macias on behalf of Sublett. 

The resolution would give individuals access to a service that may be more comforting during a traumatic experience, according to the resolution. 

Senators passed a resolution to fund hydroponic systems to help local farms increase their yield, which was authored by Tenoch Mandujano, Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture senator.

The completion of the resolution would help the Food Pantry located in the Compton Union Building to offer fresher produce to students, Mandujano said. 

Sublett and Diana Rios, College of Veterinary Medicine senator, proposed a change in a bill making the ASWSU newsletter run monthly, an increase from its current twice a semester publication. 

The newsletter would help promote upcoming ASWSU events and keep students updated on new resolutions, Rios said.