Whitman County District Court judge to seek reelection
Judge John Hart helped establish therapeutic court for low-level offenders, increase courthouse security
Judge John Hart is currently the dean for the Washington Judicial College. He announced last week he will seek reelection for his Whitman County District Court seat.
March 1, 2022
Judge John Hart announced last week he will seek reelection for a second term in Whitman County District Court.
Hart is serving his third year of a four-year term, most of which has been during the pandemic. Whitman County District Court was among the first courts in Washington to resume operations via Zoom and YouTube live stream at the start of the pandemic, according to a press release.
During Hart’s tenure, the state granted nearly $200,000 to establish a therapeutic court, which is meant to address substance abuse and mental health in low-level offenders. Hart also collaborated with Superior Court Judge Gary Libey to increase courthouse security, according to the press release.
Hart is currently the dean for the Washington Judicial College. All judges across the state must attend the college within one year of assuming their position, according to the press release.