Los sueños en 100 palabras
Winners of this year’s Spanish creative writing contest chosen
This year marks the SLCR’s third annual Spanish creative writing contest.
April 26, 2023
Los sueños en 100 palabras: Dreams in 100 words.
The theme of the third annual Spanish creative writing contest was “Los Sueños en 100 palabras,” or “Dreams in 100 words.” Hosted by the School of Languages, Cultures, and Race, contestants wrote 100-word short stories in Spanish.
The SLCR categorized submissions by contestants’ Spanish course levels. Elementary submissions were from 100- and 200-level Spanish courses, Intermediate submissions from 300-level courses and Advanced submissions from 400-level courses.
The first-place winners of each category were:
- Elementary: Kai Horn
- Intermediate: Samantha Radcliffe
- Advanced: Stephen Fawcett
Kai Horn
En El Momento
Cuando las hojas se tranquilizan después de un viento fuerte, Amarillo, naranja, marrón regresando al suelo, ¿Cómo caen? ¿Se toman su tiempo, Recordando toda la conmoción que acaban de soportar? ¿O caen rápidamente, No queriendo reflexionar más sobre el aire frío?
Cuando un país se estabiliza después de una hora histórica, ¿Cómo yacen las calles? ¿Se sienten vacíos, Nostálgico de las masas de pies que marchan? ¿Sueñan con el día en que sus ladrillos agrietados se vuelvan a poner rectos? O se enfocan en la niña, ¿De quién la tiza que pinta su curiosidad en el viejo y agrietado pavimento?
In The Moment
When the leaves settle down after a strong wind, Yellow, orange, brown returning to the ground, How do they fall? Do they take their time, Remembering all the commotion they just endured? Or do they fall quickly, Not wanting to ponder the cold air anymore?
When a country settles after a historic hour, How do the streets lie? Do they feel empty, Nostalgic for the masses of marching feet? Do they dream of the day their cracked bricks lie straight once again? Or they focus on the girl, Whose chalk paints her curiosity on the old and cracked pavement
Samantha Radcliffe

Samantha Radcliffe, first-place winner in the Intermediate category.
Samantha Radcliffe, junior psychology and criminal justice double major, said her inspiration for her story was her sister’s fear of heights and her overcoming that fear.
“Winning the 300-level category continues to motivate me, … It shows that I and anyone else for that matter can do anything that we put our minds to,” Radcliffe said.
¿Y si vuelo?
Estoy de pie al borde del abismo, el viento fresco me susurra al oído mientras mi corazón corre su maratón en mi pecho.
¿Qué pasa si me caigo? ¿Y si vuelo?
Me acerco más.
Esta vez no será como la anterior.
Salto al olvido.
Mi cuerpo es pesado cuando la gravedad me atrae a su abrazo. La realización toma el control. –––No ––grito, luchando contra su agarre.
De repente, todo se detiene, mi reflejo me mira fijamente. Deslizándome sobre el océano infinito, la euforia corre por mis venas. Siguiendo a los pájaros, paso las yemas de los dedos por las nubes.
What if I fly?
I’m standing at the edge of the abyss, the cool wind whispering in my ear while my heart runs its marathon in my chest.
What if I fall? What if I fly?
l inch closer.
This time will not be like the last one.
I leap into the oblivion.
My body is heavy as gravity pulls me into its embrace. Realization takes over. “No,” I scream, fighting its grasp.
Suddenly, everything stops, my reflection staring back at me. Gliding over the endless ocean, exhilaration runs through my veins. Following the birds, I run my fingertips through the clouds.
Stephen Fawcett

Stephen Fawcett, first-place winner in the Advanced category.
Stephen Fawcett, junior microbiology and Spanish double major, said his inspiration was the walk he takes to school and the uncertainty of different life paths.
“The story is about being unsure what to do with your life, … It represents a world where I could just fall into place and be exactly where I need to be,” Fawcett said.
Mi destino
Deambulo por el espeso bosque, sin final a la vista. ¿Dónde estoy? Hay demasiados caminos, todos oscuros y desconocidos. El brillante cielo ahora está cubierto por una niebla turbia y siento el frio alrededor de mí.
La nieve se arremolina a mi alrededor como un caos. ¿Qué debo hacer? ¿Adónde voy? Yo busco con mis ojos, mi sangre y mi aliento, con incertidumbre. Aquí hay pocas respuestas. Pero en mis sueños veo un mundo donde el aire no se mueve y la nieve cae exactamente donde necesita estar.
My Destiny
I wander through the thick forest, with no end in sight. Where am I? There are too many paths, all dark and unfamiliar. The bright sky is now covered with a murky fog, and I feel the cold all around me.
The snow surrounds me like chaos. What do I do? Where do I go? I search with my eyes, my blood, and my breath, with uncertainty. There are few answers here. But in my dreams, I see a world where the air does not move, and the snow falls exactly where it needs to be.