Over the past few days, Donald Trump has been releasing collections of previously classified documents on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
These releases have caused a frenzy among believers and skeptics alike. Here are some of the most shocking revelations uncovered in these documents.
JFK chose not to wear his head protection
One of Kennedy’s most known traits was his tendency to wear his famous “head protection,” which was a metal shield he kept around his head at all times since he was 14. He did this specifically to avoid getting shot in the head, as during his childhood, he was frequently shot at by all the neighbors he owed money, which was the vast majority of them.
Once he heard what a beautiful day it was supposed to be in Dallas on Nov. 22, he chose not to wear his head protection for the first time in more than 30 years. This was the first, and ironically the last, time the nation got to see his glorious head during his administration.
There were potentially several shooters
Everyone knows the official shooter was Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy from the Texas School Book Depository, but rumors have persisted since the assassination that there was another shooter, possibly from the grassy knoll.
The newly declassified records include eye witness testimonies that claim they also heard gun shots coming from Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson’s car, a nearby pizza place, the window under the floor Oswald was on and even from the area where Texas Governor John Connally was sitting. How many of these shooters made their mark, however, is up for debate.
JFK’s car did not go directly to the hospital
After JFK was shot, the driver drove to Parkland Hospital, where Kennedy immediately underwent operation. However, the car made several stops before it arrived at the hospital.
The driver first stopped at the local video store to return his copy of “Super Hornio Brothers,” a pornographic film he rented, because “we’re in that neighborhood anyway.” He then drove to the closest McDonald’s drive-through, because “We’ve had a long day and when [Kennedy] wakes up he’ll probably be hungry.”
After finishing his Big Mac in the parking lot, the driver took the car to a car wash considering how dirty it was from the blood stains. Finally, after driving to his house to check his messages, the driver took the car to the hospital. Whether these stops cost precious time that could have been spent operating on the president is up for debate.
The gunshot wounds are not actually what killed him
Most Americans can probably tell you Kennedy died from his wounds, but that is not actually the case. Despite his massive head wounds, JFK survived the shooting and was prepared to walk out of the hospital after two hours of surgery, albeit with a limp and large medical bandages wrapped around his head.
Members of the public applauded as Kennedy emerged from the hospital, surviving the attack against him. However, his driver, distracted due to reading a Playboy magazine while driving, accidentally backed up into JFK.
Kennedy was hit so hard he was flung into the city street, where sadly “The Dallas Six Days Before Thanksgiving Parade” was being held. JFK was trampled by 10 fire trucks, three police cars, 16 parade floats and eight circus animals, including elephants, before what was left of him was peeled from the street.
Well, regardless of the details, this nation will never forget the unspeakable tragedy that took place on Nov. 22, 1963. May our 35th president, as well as the 10-piece chicken nuggets ordered for him that he never got to that were buried with him, rest in peace.