King of Booze recovering from a cold, still drinking booze
Don’t let a stuffy nose stop you, day drinking can cure a cold as well as vintage wine
September 20, 2018
There’s a certain appeal of knowing when you’re on a roll.
For some reason, life just seems easier, good and jolly when you’re on a streak. Pullman is feeling that right now, as well as the rabid Wazzu fans out there, myself included. We’re 3-0 and that’s a high and mighty wave I intend to keep riding.
However, much like when Icarus flew too close to the sun, I was feeling a little too good. I decided to take it a little slower and more mellow this week because I have an unfortunate case of tonsillitis, or throat weasels (I don’t know — I’m not a doctor). I went to The Coug in the middle of the day and took in the sights, sounds and happenings in the social center of WSU.
Personally, I have always had my doubts about The Coug. I can now say that the bar is more of a tactical hangout rather than a shot-slamming, music-blaring alehouse. Sure, they have a liquor license and can mix some mean drinks, but it’s not your typical high-performance machine.
The Coug is more of the vintage 1951 Ford in cream white with white wall tires. A place that’s too good to live, but too rare to die. I figured I’d check it out for some day drinking because that’s what you do when you’re a grown up: day drink.
Anyway, I found it much more chill and mellow than the times I previously walked by at 11 p.m. on a Saturday. This could very well be my new base of operations for planning the rest of my weekend with my Ladies in Drinking and Fellowship of Booze.
The weather is perfect for sitting outside, not too hot or too cold, and the food is pretty damn good to boot. Get yourself some mozzarella sticks and fried mac and cheese with a pint of ACE Pineapple Cider and sit for a spell.
In more fancy and hardworking Booze News, harvest season has officially begun for the wine community. I spent my day Saturday pawing through five and a half tons of merlot grapes, mixing yeast and making wine, with the occasional sip from the bottle and victorious high five.
The 2018 vintage is now underway for Washington wine, so I would recommend heading over to Merry Cellars after school on a Friday and start drinking the Elixir of the Gods. There’s always a list of upcoming events on the wall and whoever is behind the bar is always more than happy to pour you a glass. And another and another.
With that being said, there will be some insightful interviews next week with some newly hatched 21-year-olds, as well as some more commentary from some of the best bartenders in Pullman. As always, stay safe and bottoms up!