Accidental fire Tuesday morning

CODY SCHOELER, Evergreen reporter

The Pullman Fire Department responded to a call concerning an accidental house fire at a couple’s residence Tuesday morning.

The occupants of the house at 400 SE South Street, a husband and wife, were getting ready in the morning when they saw and smelled smoke, said Deputy Fire Marshal Tony Nuttman. The smoke was coming from the wood pellet stove in the living room.

He said the fire was accidental. While the stove was heating the house, it caused the wood and paper in the attic to heat up over time.

The husband was able to get his wife and dogs out of the house. The occupants of the house were the only ones affected by the fire, Nuttman said, and he does not know if there were any injuries.

“City building inspectors have deemed [the house] uninhabitable until the proper work can be done,” he said.

Nuttman said the fire department dispatched two ambulances, two fire trucks and three chiefs.

When they arrived on the scene, they stretched a hose line down the driveway, he said. They also had to pull the living room ceiling down around the stove to get to the fire in the attic.