Board reaches decision

ASWSU decides Monday if appointments follow bylaws, will require reconfirmation



The ASWSU Judicial Board held a hearing where President Quinton Berkompas and Senate Pro Tempore Hannah Martian presented testimony regarding the legitimacy of appointments made to the executive communication team.

The ASWSU Judicial Board reached a decision about whether appointments to the executive communications team made by President Quinton Berkompas obeyed senate bylaws.

The board will not publicize that decision until Monday.

Senator Hannah Martian said she is unsure whether two appointments to the executive communication team were constitutional because the two members resigned from their positions during Winter Break.

Martian said the same two candidates — Jajuan Jackson and Eric Martinez — were chosen by Berkompas but were not confirmed by the senate.

“I received the email from president for congress which stated that Jajuan Jackson and Eric Martinez would be taking their spots as deputy directors of communications back,” Martian said. “Even though they had resigned a month prior and other candidates had been hired by president for congress for the position.”

Martian said she wants to know whether the selected candidates will be reconfirmed by the senate.

Berkompas said the two members of the communications team who resigned, pulled back their resignations and wished to continue with ASWSU. He said that it is okay for students to rethink their position and to resign and come back to the position they were already confirmed for.

Berkompas added that the candidates were not removed from payroll.

“I think the outcome of tonight, best-case scenario, is that we put this behind us so that we can just get back to actually working on the issues that students elected us to do,” Berkompas said.

The board is expected to announce its decision Monday.