WSU to place disinfectant in classes, common areas during fall

Each classroom will have hand sanitizer, two containers of surface disinfectant, one container of disinfectant for electronics



Jason Sampson, assistant director of WSU Environmental Health and Safety, said disinfectant will be placed in every classroom to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

BRADLEY GAMBLE, Evergreen reporter

Disinfectants will be provided to WSU departments for free to prepare for fall. 

Jason Sampson, assistant director of WSU Environmental Health and Safety, said each classroom will have two containers of Alpha HP, one container of disinfectant for electronics and Cougar Clean hand sanitizer. The disinfectants will also be available at multiple stations in common areas.

Alpha HP is a hydrogen-peroxide-based formula of disinfectant that works in five minutes, lasts for a long time and is fairly inexpensive, he said. The disinfectant will be applied to furniture and other surfaces, and it is made to not damage furniture material.

According to the EH&S website, Alpha HP will be provided by WSU Faculty and Scholar Services until it is made available through university stores.

Custodians will refill the disinfectants and hand sanitizer every night, Sampson said. Every classroom entrance will have an emergency contact number posted in case the disinfectant supply is low and more needs to be delivered.

WSU departments are developing disinfection plans for common touch surfaces, according to the EH&S website. These plans should include limiting access to some areas and the sharing of equipment.

EH&S recommends students assist with disinfecting common spaces they use throughout campus, according to the website.

Empty disinfectant containers, except for those in classrooms and instructional labs, should be returned to drop off locations, according to the website. Departments are expected to plan their orders and only get disinfectant supplies as needed, rather than order extra containers just to be used as a backup.

Sampson said the university will provide disinfecting instructions to students before they arrive in the fall.

“It’s gonna be so common that we hope it’s just second nature to everybody in the end,” he said.