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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor

Jackson Ferderer is a senior English major from Vancouver. They are set to graduate in May 2018.

Once you fall behind on weekly cleaning routines, it can seem like a daunting task.

Cleaning for Dummies: Doing the bare minimum

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor
January 25, 2018
Alexander Spradlin discusses his research on the effects of marijuana on stress levels in users and non-users. His research found that users of marijuana are considerably less stressed even while sober.

Marijuana too important to allow roll back

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor
January 9, 2018
GPSA President Shane Reynolds says the proposed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would cause students additional stress and that those supporting the bill are undervaluing higher education and research.

Tax bill would disparage grad students

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor
November 30, 2017
Kayley DeLong, a senior comparative ethnic studies major and social media intern at the Women’s Resource Center, 
describes the importance of the #MeToo movement in emboldening sexual assault survivors to speak out and come together.

MeToo campaign created solidarity for survivors

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor
November 16, 2017
Malik Dreher, a junior anthropology major and president of Black Men Making a Difference, voices his concern over the posters that say “It’s Okay to Be White” recently posted around WSU.

Nobody says it’s not OK to be white

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor
November 14, 2017
After subtracting rent, healthcare, utilities, food, insurance and other expenses from their shrinking monthly stipend, many graduate students in the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture simply won’t have enough money to continue at WSU.

Grad students can’t afford cuts to income

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor
November 8, 2017
Rafael Pruneda, a WSU retention counselor, speaks at an ASWSU meeting during which a resolution to make WSU 
a sanctuary campus was discussed Feb. 22.

Retention counselors have important role

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor
October 31, 2017
Survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence and supporters march past Bryan Hall, chanting “Silence is not consent”
during the Take Back the Night march Thursday evening.

Men must play role in ending sexual assault

JACKSON FERDERER, Evergreen opinion editor
October 25, 2017
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