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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

Williamson with the Chancellors Distinguished Leader Award. Photo courtesy of Ariana Williamson

Ariana Williamson wins Overall Student Employee of the Year Award

JOSIAH PIKE, Copy editor May 2, 2024

The Academic Success and Career Center announced the winners of the annual Student Employment Soiree on April 10. The ceremony was held in the Lightly Student Services building, according to a Daily...

ASWSU lobbys for bill related to undocumented people in early January.

ASWSU lobbys for legislation supporting undocumented people, students

ALEXANDRIA OSBORNE, Editor-in-chief January 25, 2024

The Washington State Legislative session began earlier this month, and ASWSU plans to advocate and provide support for undocumented students throughout the next few months.  House Bill 1889, by Rep....

Leo Wilson-Ramirez giving a speech while being considered for the Uncertified Senator position

ASWSU fills new committee chair, senator and election board positions

SICALY SORRELL, Evergreen reporter September 15, 2023

The ASWSU Senate voted on the co-chair position of Crimson Group, the Uncertified Senator position and the new Election Board Chair at this week's meeting.  Communication Director Cooper Howe and...

Maritay Mendoza-Quiroz celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month at an event in 2021, wearing traditional clothing.

Latinx community celebrates heritage

PUNEET BSANTI, Deputy news editor September 15, 2022

National Hispanic Heritage Month, which celebrates the stories and contributions of Hispanic-Americans, starts on Thursday and will continue until Oct. 15.  To celebrate, the Chicanx Latinx Student...

Antonio Fajardo-Mora and Freddy Jimenez present in front of the ASWSU about undocumented students, August 31.

ASWSU discusses contraceptive vending machine, confirms more chairs

LIAM CONNORS, Deputy news editor September 1, 2022

ASWSU announces that an emergency contraceptive machine will likely be rolled out this semester. The project was overseen by Nikolai Sublett, director of university affairs, who has been working on...

Crimson Group in process of becoming ASWSU committee 

Crimson Group in process of becoming ASWSU committee 

SHEILA JOHNSON January 21, 2022

ASWSU senators approved to refer the Crimson Group to the Internal Committee, where they could be established as an ASWSU programming committee.  The Crimson Group is a student group under Undocumented...

Linda Vargas, Undocumented Inititatives ambassador and sophomore environmental science major, said the DACA renewal fund brings the cost down to $250.

Undocumented Initiatives create three funds for undocumented students

BRADLEY GAMBLE, Evergreen reporter May 11, 2020

WSU Undocumented Initiatives worked with the Crimson Group to release the Crimson for a Cause Emergency Fund, which helps undocumented students financially during the coronavirus pandemic.  The two...

Linda Vargas, Undocumented Inititatives ambassador and sophomore environmental science major, said the DACA renewal fund brings the cost down to $250.

Undocumented students voice concern over lack of federal aid during pandemic

BRADLEY GAMBLE, Evergreen reporter April 20, 2020

When the United States government announced that undocumented immigrants would not be receiving any stimulus checks, it caused worry among community members, including many WSU students. Linda Vargas,...

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