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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen


GABRIELLE FELICIANO, Evergreen copy editor

Gabrielle is a senior from Chicago majoring in multimedia journalism. She has been a part of the Daily Evergreen since spring 2022. She is passionate about the arts, entertainment and everything in between.

The Little Pink House Gallery, Genesee, Idaho.

One little pink house, over 100 artists

GABRIELLE FELICIANO, Evergreen copy editor
November 2, 2023
Woodwork on display at a past wood show at the Dahmen Barn.

Four states, one art

GABRIELLE FELICIANO, Evergreen copy editor
June 8, 2023
Deputy news editor keeps moving

Deputy news editor keeps moving

GABRIELLE FELICIANO, Evergreen copy editor
May 4, 2023
Two visitors entering for the first time the Daedalum's main dome, which Architects of Air designed after the Pantheon of Rome, April 15.

Kaleidoscope of color

GABRIELLE FELICIANO, Evergreen copy editor
April 26, 2023
Childhood or adulthood, almost all of us have had fictional crushes.

Why do we fall for fictional characters?

GABRIELLE FELICIANO, Evergreen copy editor
February 9, 2023
This October, St. Ignatius Hospital’s haunted tours were fully booked once again.

“We have real ghosts.”

GABRIELLE FELICIANO, Evergreen copy editor
November 3, 2022
Michelle’s Closet, a consignment store downtown, brings variety to retail in Pullman.

Local consignment store has you covered

GABRIELLE FELICIANO, Evergreen copy editor
October 5, 2022
The Whitman County Library District's annual penny drive helps fund and support over a dozen branches around the region.

Pennies for a public good

GABRIELLE FELICIANO, Evergreen copy editor
April 7, 2022
Bryan Hall in Pullman, Wash.

The show goes on

Gabrielle Feliciano, Evergreen copy editor
March 31, 2022
The Kenworthy Performing Arts Center was full of parents and children eager to hear Eija Sumners live reading of "Crocodile Hungry" last weekend. Free stickers created from the illustrations of John Martz were also available.

A local author, a hungry crocodile

GABRIELLE FELICIANO, Evergreen copy editor
March 10, 2022
"My Letter to the World" by Chloe Hall, ninth grade, hangs on display at the Libey Gallery, Feb. 12.

Young Colfax artists take center stage

GABRIELLE FELICIANO, Evergreen copy editor
February 16, 2022
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