80 garage sales in one
This year’s Palouse Area Garage Sale is from 8 a.m.–1 p.m. April 29 in Beasley Coliseum
April 26, 2023
Electronics, toys and tools are just a few of the things that will be for sale at the upcoming 16th annual Palouse Area Garage Sale, which will take place from 8 a.m.–1 p.m. April 29 in Beasley Coliseum.
The garage sale consists of close to 80 vendors, Beasley Coliseum director Russell Driver said. He also said that admission is free.
Items like electronics, furniture, toys, garden tools, kitchen appliances and more have been sold at previous garage sales, Driver said.
“It’s a great way to find some treasures. You can shop 70 garage sales in one place and one morning,” Driver said.
Driver said that the sale is a community event, a way to give back to the Pullman community and WSU.
The host of the sale is Beasley Coliseum, Driver said, and Pullman Radio and Pullman Disposal are sponsors.