Don’t ruin your first week back with a headache

Stay hydrated, sweat it out, bathe to avoid beginning year in pain


There is no better way to celebrate the start of the semester than suffering through a hangover on syllabus week.

If you woke up this morning with last night’s great decisions still weighing on you, then I can assure you, there is a chance you are not going to make it through this week with your roommate’s sketchy home remedies.

Most students plan on having fun, but no one plans on getting hungover, right? Not to worry, it happens and there are ways to get through this.

Practices that prevent, or at least lessen, the effects of over-drinking are not as far-fetched as most would think — it mostly takes self-care.

“Stay hydrated. Drink fluids every hour, every after hour,” said Jessica Casem, Utah Valley University junior. “You could drink water, gatorade, juice…”

The nauseated feelings and headaches you may suffer the following morning may be significantly connected to dehydration. As Casem said, “Water is the one.”

If you know to keep hydrated but often forget to follow through, that may not be for you. Amazingly, Pullman has taught me several individuals do not like the taste of water so that may be your problem. Of course, like all obstacles, there is another way around that.

“If you want to stay safe,” John Doe, a WSU fraternity member who wished to remain anonymous so he wouldn’t tie drinking to his frat, said, “just go until you’re feeling the buzz and wait a half hour before continuing.”

You should acknowledge your limit instead of pushing yourself because there are consequences for your actions. Better safe than sorry, as the saying goes.

Contrary to your better judgment, the little devil on your shoulder is eyeing you, chanting, “GO HARD OR GO HOME!” Countless shots later, you wake up on the lawn of some random party house with no shoes, no clue, a raging headache and inability to think straight, let alone walk. Next thing you know, syllabus week turns into midterms and you’re screwed.

That may have been a lot to swallow so here’s a spoonful of sugar to help that medicine go down.

There is nothing wrong with letting loose this week — it depends on your abilities.

If you get a little blacked out this week, Doe said you could easily catch up with schoolwork later.

“You’re getting behind, but it’s easy to catch up after syllabus week,” he said.

If you can do it, then you can do it. Otherwise, I have a mind-blowing treatment discovery. Some of us may neglect this but, seriously, take a shower. Alternating between a cold and hot shower works to release and eliminate toxins so you will feel ever so slightly better than before.

For the most part, your body is using your sweat glands in an attempt to expel the harmful alcohol toxins so you might just guess the next option if showering is not your preferred slice of bread.

During your next hangover, attempt to exercise as an experiment. Do not attempt to do more than you are capable of because you are going to be in a vulnerable position and it will only make things worse. Start light; from yoga or stretching to just walking around, picking up pace every so often.

While I wouldn’t recommend playing catch up, if you find yourself in the unfortunate position, you know what to do.