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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

SANDY VO, Evergreen reporter

Sandy is a sophomore public relations major from Everett, Washington.

All content by SANDY VO
Scott Hallett, founder and instructor of the Ukulele Players of the Palouse, says he had a trip to Hawaii and bought a ukulele because he could not bring his guitar. Hallett then discovered his passion for the instrument.

Library to provide ukulele beginners classes

SANDY VO, Evergreen reporter
March 18, 2019
MyWSU will be be unavailable for students, faculty and staff this weekend.

MyWSU to undergo maintenance this weekend

SANDY VO, Evergreen reporter
March 7, 2019
Cornelia Kirchoff, assistant director of the psychology clinic, discusses the screening process for individuals wanting to participate in the new group therapy treatment on Monday in the Psychology Clinic in Johnson Tower.

WSU clinic offers therapy group

SANDY VO, Evergreen reporter
February 27, 2019
Data courtesy of a WSU Government Relations Newsbeat Blog post from Feb. 15.

College of Medicine releases demographic report

SANDY VO, Evergreen reporter
February 26, 2019
The new courses can be accessed with a desktop, tablet or smartphone with a Whitman County Library card.

Library offers world, English courses

SANDY VO, Evergreen reporter
February 20, 2019
Isaac Castaneda, senior political science major and participant in the mock trials, says these experiences are helping him learn what it is like to be an attorney and what it looks like to be in a professional setting Friday afternoon in the CUB.

Mock trial team gains real-world experience

SANDY VO, Evergreen reporter
February 19, 2019
Create the right kind mood you want in the bedroom, starting in the kitchen.

RECIPE: Spice your love up with stir fry

SANDY VO, Evergreen reporter
February 15, 2019
Reference and Instruction Librarian Erin Hvizdak says they added a new desk Thursday afternoon in the Terrell Library.

Campus library adds reference desk

SANDY VO, Evergreen reporter
February 15, 2019
Commission members attends a PAC meeting Saturday
afternoon in the Young Meeting Room at Neill Public Library.

Commission revamps ArtFest, public art policy

SANDY VO, Evergreen reporter
February 11, 2019
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