Tips on how to organize, pack for upcoming move-out week
When moving out, pack larger boxes first, donate extra items
April 30, 2018
Whether you lived in a dorm, apartment, Greek chapter house or a house near campus this past year, the last week of school has unfortunately approached.
With the last few days filled with finals and last-minute moments with friends, packing up your living space can sound like a daunting and tedious task. Here are some tips and tricks to make packing easier and stress-free.
Pack the biggest items first. Putting bulky clothing and bedding into boxes will make it easier to pack and load the rest into a car so you’re not trying to stuff a large box into an already-full car.
Speaking of clothing, it may be a good idea to use trash bags to pack hanging shirts and other articles of clothing. This is a handy tip for nicer clothes, especially if you’re taking a long drive. Simply slip the trash bag over the hanging clothes and tie it where the drawstrings of the trash bag meet the top of the hanger.
Pack desk essentials into small organizers. Putting pencils, glue sticks, push pins and all other desk items into labeled boxes will make it easy to pack and unpack once home.
Think of the beginning of the year and moving in before school. Most people probably had bigger storage bins and suitcases to move in and had their parents take them home because of a lack of space. It might be a good idea to have whoever is helping move out bring those bins back for more storage.
Donate anything extra you know won’t be useful in the future. Those twin-sized sheets you bought for the dorm bed or the sweater you wore twice could go somewhere else. This will also help lighten the load.
With these few tips in mind, it’s also important to know the move-out rules set by WSU Transportation Services, which can be found on their website.
According to the website, permits are still required in all parking lots during finals week, but there will be designated yellow curbs meant only for loading for a maximum of 30 minutes.
This parking accommodation is going to be strictly enforced by Transportation Services.
According to the website, students are not allowed to park next to a red curb at any time or in any restricted areas.