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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

Deputy news editor, Abby Davis wants...

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief

Abby Davis is a senior double majoring in broadcast news and public relations. She is from Anacortes, Washington, and is currently the co-deputy news editor for spring 2022. She started as a news reporter in fall 2020, served as deputy news editor in spring 2021, managing editor in summer 2021 and copy chief in fall 2021.

All content by ABBY DAVIS
Cougar Safe Rides returns

Cougar Safe Rides returns

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
October 7, 2021
WSU is home to a nuclear reactor of its own. The core sits at the bottom of a 25-foot deep pool.

Security fellowship open to STEM students

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
September 21, 2021
At Terrell Mall, students browse through bins of posters, hoping to find a hidden gem to decorate their dorms and apartments.

Poster sale returns for final week

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
September 14, 2021
State, county facing shortage of COVID-19 tests

State, county facing shortage of COVID-19 tests

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
September 13, 2021
Construction workers repair the Bryan Hall clock tower Monday afternoon at Washington State University.

Bryan Hall receives face-lift

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
August 24, 2021
Indoor masking returns

Indoor masking returns

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
August 20, 2021
“Helping people who have been in similar shoes as me is something that I see for myself," said senior sociology major Cristalina Ramirez.

First-generation student breaks boundaries

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
April 29, 2021
A 2018 survey conducted by Cougar Health Promotion reported 88 percent of WSU undergraduate students felt overwhelmed by their workload and 62 percent felt overwhelming anxiety.

Mental health pass for students in the works

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
April 29, 2021
Butch's Den is located on the lower level of the Compton Union Building.

WSU spring COVID-19 testing ends today

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
April 27, 2021
WSU Pullman has 26 active COVID-19 cases

WSU Pullman has 26 active COVID-19 cases

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
April 26, 2021
WSU Pullman has 29 active COVID-19 cases

WSU Pullman has 29 active COVID-19 cases

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
April 13, 2021
Brianna Kostecka, ASWSU deputy director of Academic Affairs, is working on creating an official resource page for students.

ASWSU addresses election ballot discrepancy

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
April 1, 2021
WSU has 96 active COVID-19 cases

WSU has 96 active COVID-19 cases

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
March 30, 2021
The senators appoint three judicial board members and two freshman delegates

ASWSU 2021 Elections: Meet Your Candidates

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
March 18, 2021
The virtual “Reels with All the Feels” film festival will play “PERIOD. End of Sentence." at 5 p.m. March 17.

Film festival highlights issues women face

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
March 16, 2021
The panel will discuss why the gender gap disproportionately affects people of color and how the gender gap impacts one’s ability to enter a male-dominated workspace.

Expert panel to address gender gap

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
March 8, 2021
Superintendent Bob Maxwell notified employees about the stipends in a meeting Feb. 3.

School employees may get $2,000 stipends

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
February 11, 2021
Whitman County confirms 62 new COVID-19 cases

Whitman County confirms 62 new COVID-19 cases

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
February 6, 2021
Students will use a variety of online platforms to present their work to the judges on Zoom.

SURCA student and judge applications open

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
February 1, 2021
“The idea behind it is that because we have no physical help desk to go to, having a place that students can just click on a link … and then be directed to all these different resources,” said Brianna Kostecka, ASWSU deputy director of academic affairs.

Resource portal under development

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
January 28, 2021
This year, the competition is specifically looking for submissions relating to Trevor Noah’s book “Born a Crime."

Submissions for art competition close Jan. 29

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
January 25, 2021
Before this change, the recordings were stored for nine months. Now, they are saved for six months to decrease the number of Zoom recordings stored in the WSU cloud.

Zoom recordings will be deleted after six months

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
December 9, 2020
Some of the businesses that are eligible to receive the money are restaurants, bars, fitness facilities and bowling alleys.

Small businesses to receive $500,000 from county

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
December 2, 2020
As of Monday, the National Guard has administered 3,226 COVID-19 tests for students, faculty members and staff.

National Guard to stay longer

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
November 19, 2020
The idea for the Winter Trunk Market came from the Halloween trunk-or-treat approach that occurred because of the pandemic.

Pullman Farmers Market offers first trunk market

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
November 17, 2020
AVON is being used to meet WSU’s demands for academic videos and video streaming. AVON is more affordable

WSU Libraries implements new video database

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
November 12, 2020
Jefferson Elementary School PTA plans to use $2,500 to expand the school’s outdoor learning lab and garden.

Local nonprofits receive $5,000

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief
November 9, 2020
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